Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thank You for Your Support

I have a lot of things to want to express with regards to the incident that took place on Monday with a postman and my Soldier. I am not really in the best of moods to write, however, I thought it would be best to at least post a blog today letting you know how I feel.

Both my wife and I have received many emails and calls from people all over the world who have read my blog, my Facebook and saw my Tweets. They expressed their concern, but most of of those who replied are dog owners and lovers themselves. No one could understand as to why any human being could do such a thing as to throw a brick at a dog that was not a threat to them.

I am in the process of writing a post to this blog, however, I hope to post it later today or tomorrow, God willing.

I even discussed with my very supportive wife as I was driving her to work this morning, that I want to establish an American Pit Bull Club of Malaysia. The purpose of such club will be to promote the awareness of the breed and teach the general public how to learn to respect animals, especially dogs.

The majority of the Malaysian population are Muslims, who in my humble opinion have a misunderstanding of dogs and how dogs should be viewed from an Islamic perspective. My role is not to become a religious scholar about Islam and dogs. We have enough scholars of Islam as it is. What we need are people to help educate the general public as how to appreciate and respect other forms of life.

I would like to thank all of you who sent supportive emails and voiced your concerns. Long live the American Pit Bull Terrier!

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