Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Beware of the Dog. Hell no, it's more like Beware of the Owner

Don't even get me started! I guess it's too late. I have just posted a thank you letter to Tuan Haji Wan Sharpudin, the State Manager of Pos Malaysia, for sending two gentlemen to my home to apologize on behalf of an asshole mail carrier of theirs. The gentlemen were very polite and courteous, well mannered, but what happened to the idiot who shot a cement brick at my American Pit Bull Terrier?!
I still can not get over this event. You know most people in Malaysia would have just let the incident slide. They wouldn't even lift a finger. I am not saying all Malaysians are like that, just the majority. It's not in their nature or culture to raise hell. Well, you have just met a hell raiser.
I have been in this country too long for me not to speak up about the many things that has happened to me since I have been here. Two very touchy incidents took place in recent times that have been very upsetting to me. The event that took place yesterday with an asshole, I'm sorry, I mean young boy, who threw a brick at my dog, and another incident that took place a little over one year ago involving 10, yes, I said 10 thugs who attacked both my wife and I for walking my dog! Oh don't get me started, man.
There are two common denominators in both incidents. Can you guess what that may be? If you guessed my American Pit Bull Terrier, Soldier, you'd be 100% correct. Jackpot, baby!
What is up with that? People here in Malaysia don't like American Pit Bull Terriers or what? Regardless of whether people like dogs or do not like dogs, does that justify one to throw a brick at a dog for barking, which is in the dog's nature to
bark? Does it justify 10 people, sorry, I mean 10 assholes, to attack my wife and I because of walking our dog and minding our own business?
I thank God for have given me two wonderful parents who taught me to respect life in all forms, shapes, sizes and colors. Whether that life form has two legs, four legs or a thousand legs, I was taught to respect life. I am sure all good parents taught their children the same thing. Unfortunately, as some of us grew up, which is highly debatable, we have forgotten what our parents taught us. The assholes who have attacked my wife, my dog and I are perfect example of people not being good listener when their mothers were teaching them how to respect life.
I could go on for days, but I will save some for later.
I have a sign on my fence in front of my house that reads,"Caution..! Beware of Dog." It is now inappropriate. I am going to take it down and put up a new one which shall read, "Forget the Dog. Beware of the Owner."

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