Every dog love to go for a walk, especially an American Pit Bull Terrier. They require a lot of exercise. Before you even think about get a Pit Bull, please make sure you will have or make the time to walk him daily, if not, you will not be a responsible Pit Bull owner.
I walk Soldier at least twice a day, Monday through Friday, and on the weekends I may walk him at least three times a day, since I have more time to spend to be with him. One must make time to walk your dog. There is no if, and or but about it.
When you and I go for a walk 9 times out of 10, we are wearing some kind of foot wear, be it sneakers (tennis shoes), boots or sandals. However, when was the last time you saw a dog wearing shoes? And if you have, I can guarantee you that it was not an American Pit Bull Terrier, either. Having said that, it is advisable to walk your dog either in the early morning and/or late evening/night when the atmosphere is cooler and so are the street’s surface area.
Most of us do not have the luxury of having a large enclosed yard or field to allow our dogs to run in. Like most people, I have to walk Soldier in or on the streets. Therefore, the streets are very hot due to the sun shining down on them all day long. Our dog’s paws are in direct contact with the street’s surface area. Just imagine you walking barefoot down the sidewalk or in the streets at 2:30pm? Crazy! Yet, many dog owners do just that, without giving it a second thought.
As responsible dog owners we want to be considerate of our dog’s needs and wants. Our dogs need to walk and want to walk as much as possible, so why torture them by having them walk on scorching hot concrete/pavement?
One more advice I’d like to share with you and that is, before taking your dog out for a walk, massage his legs and shoulder muscles. It will help stimulate the blood flow and get the dog prepared for a good workout. Like humans, before we engage ourselves in a physical activity, we are encouraged to stretch, to warm up. Our companions deserve the same attention. It only requires 2 or 3 minutes. It is also a great way to bond with your companion.
Last but not least, after the walk, give your dog a cool down as well. Simply, massage the legs, shoulders and thighs for a few minutes. Again, like humans, after a strenuous workout, we cool down so that we may avoid cramps and stiff muscles.
These are some very simple tips that I hope you will find helpful when it comes to walking your dog. Your dog will love you more for the little extra attention that you give him. Happy walking.