Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Better Safe Than Sorry

By Nathaniel Rhine

I spent about two hours early this morning adding more security to the front gate of my home. The existing gate is approximately 4’-6” high, perhaps high enough to prevent Soldier, my American Pit Bull Terrier, from jumping over. However, so far there has been no incident where he has bitten anyone. I am not looking forward to that day, therefore, I must take the necessary precautions to prevent such an incident.

For the past 13 months since I’ve had Soldier, there have been no children in my neighbourhood who play in the streets in the evening, a very typical thing children do in the evenings here in Malaysia. Just recently, a new family moved in my neighbourhood directly across the street from me. I welcome them with open arms. However, that family also have four children who not only play in the middle of the street, but they also love to climb other neighbours’ gates!

Thus far, the four children have not mustered up enough courage to climb my gate due to Soldier always being present. However, as a responsible Pit Bull owner, I am compelled to make certain that absolutely no incident will ever occur between my Pit Bull and other neighbors’ children.

So this morning around 7:30am, I added two layers of plastic coated wire mesh to the existing gate of my house, with the intention of preventing children’s little hands from reaching into the gate to pet Soldier. That would be the very first and last time that they will ever do such a thing for Soldier will attack anything and anyone who enters my yard without my permission and invitation. He is only doing his duty; guarding his Master’s property.

Yes, my front gate is not the most beautiful gate on the block, but it is for sure the most child-proof gate on the block. I encourage all dog owners, especially those who have a vicious guard dog like mine, to go the extra mile and apply extra security and safety features to your gates. It may not have to look like a jail or a chicken coop, however, make it child-proof, a gate that prevents tiny hands and feet from entering the gate of your home.

The very last thing any dog owner wants is to be faced with a law suit from the parents of children who were bitten, mauled or worse, killed by your dog. Any dog owners worst night mare indeed. So spend a few extra dollars and time to child-proof your premises of wondering hands and feet of neighbors’ children. It’s always better to be safe than to be sorry. Enjoy your day and keep it movin’.

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