Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Importance of Water

As we've all learned in school, the human body of composed of 75% water. I am not sure, but I think that is applicable to most if not all living things, Pit Bulls included.
Many pet owners fill their pet's water bowl whenever it looks low. How wrong! Firstly, one must understand the importance of water to animals, and yes, the Almighty American Pit Bull. Water is a cooling agent. Yes, animals and humans drink water because it is means of quenching one's thirst. In the case of animals, they drink water to regulate their body temperature, to stay cool.
It is highly recommended to replenish your Pit Bull's water bowl at least twice a day, even if it isn't low. Once in the morning before going to school or work and again in the evening when you are to return home.
Changing the water twice a day helps to maintain cleanliness. Throughout the course of the day, there may be a number of things that may have fallen into your Pit Bull's water bowl, leaves, bird droppings, insects and the list goes on. So to help prevent some illnesses you Pit Bull may get due to bad water, it is highly advisable to change the water bowl regularly. Make a habit out of it
Most importantly, it is a great way to demonstrate the value of your companion, The Almighty American Pit Bull Terrier.

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